Texas Spyders in the Hills Rally 2017 was a blast!!!
Spectacular rydes, good weather, great vendors and awesome people!! Our Patriotic Ryde honoring our Road Warriors and ALL vets was very moving for the citizens of Boerne, as well as for our ryders.
Special thanks go to:
Coyote Powersports for all of your support, door prizes and your CanAm Defender leading our Patriotic Ryde. Jerry, Tyler, Rocky and Josh.
Kevin Galbreath (Texas BRP rep), as well as another BRP rep who came as a ryder, and commented "we were not the largest or the fanciest rally he has attended, but we were the friendliest!"
They also provided Spyder demo rydes and door prizes.
Butler Motorcycle Maps
Texas Hill Country Motorcycle Maps - also a wonderful door prize of the entire US set of Butler Maps.
Boerne Visitors Bureau
We greatly appreciated all of your help and support, and your warm greeting and welcome at our BBQ.
Boerne Police Department
Officer Rebecca Foley for arranging our Police escorted Patriotic Ryde, and the Boerne PD and Kendall County SO officers for accompanying us.
Lamont Bryden/Lamonster Garage and James Thorne
Educational question and answer session during our Meet n Greet.
ALL of our vendors, but especially those who worked so hard at the rally.
Spyderpops, Lite the Nite, Squared Away, Spyderman Exhaust, BJ Embroidery, Kathy Kool Grafix.
The vendor door prize drawing was awesome!
The entire Spyders in the Hills team thanks all of our Spyder friends for coming to enjoy our scenic Hill Country.
This rally is put on by Spyder friends, for our Spyder friends. We each pay our own registration fees. Any profit is donated to the Road Warriors foundation.